Nội dung Bài tập
Con trỏ 03
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Thang điểm:
10 điểm
Giới hạn thời gian:
1 giây
Giới hạn bộ nhớ:
256 MB
Được tạo bởi:

 Write a program in C to demonstrate the use of &(address of) and *(value at address) operator. Go to the editor
Expected Output :

Pointer : Demonstrate the use of & and * operator :                                                          
 m = 300                                                                                                      
 fx = 300.600006                                                                                              
 cht = z                                                                                                      
 Using & operator :                                                                                           
 address of m = 0x7ffda2eeeec8                                                                                
 address of fx = 0x7ffda2eeeecc                                                                               
 address of cht = 0x7ffda2eeeec7                                                                              
 Using & and * operator :                                                                                     
 value at address of m = 300                                                                                  
 value at address of fx = 300.600006                                                                          
 value at address of cht = z                      

Using only pointer variable :                                                                                
 address of m = 0x7ffda2eeeec8                                                                                
 address of fx = 0x7ffda2eeeecc                                                                               
 address of cht = 0x7ffda2eeeec7                                                                              
 Using only pointer operator :                                                                                
 value at address of m = 300                                                                                  
 value at address of fx= 300.600006                                                                           
 value at address of cht= z   

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