Nội dung Bài tập
Beautiful trails (ACM 2016 Miền Bắc)
Dạng thi:
Thang điểm:
1 điểm
Giới hạn thời gian:
10 giây
Giới hạn bộ nhớ:
64 MB
Được tạo bởi:
In the highlands in north Vietnam, there are remoted areas where ethnic groups are living. Although the living condition here is far from sufficient but the people are living a peaceful and enjoyable life with the fresh air and the beautiful scenery. There are N villages in this area (numbered 1 to N), connected by M one-way trails (numbered 1 to M). There is no trail connect a village to itself. Between two villages, there might be multiple trails connect them. Along each trail, there are different types of wildflowers. The flowers along each trail is represent with a string consists of uppercase letters. A trail from village x to village y has the wildflowers ABCD means that it has length 4 and the wild flower you will see when trekking along this trail is A, B, C, D in that order. If there is a trail from village y to village z and it has the wildflowers XYZ, if you trek along village 1 to village 2 and on to village 3 then the wildflowers you see is ABCDXYZ (in that order).

Mark loves trekking and he knows these areas very well. He is wonder if there exist 2 different trekking path where the wildflowers he sees along the trails are exactly the same. These 2 paths does not need to have the same starting and ending village. If they exist, what is the minimal length?

The input starts with the number of test - T (T ≤ 300). Then T tests follow:
• The first line is the number of villages N (N ≤ 50) and the number of trails M (M ≤ 1000).
• The next M lines consists of 2 integers x, y (1 ≤ x, y ≤ N) and a string S representing a trail. The length of S does not exceed 20.

For each test, print the minimal length of 2 similar trekking paths or print -1 if there is no such pair of paths.


  • input
    4 4
    1 2 ABA
    2 4 CD
    1 3 AB
    3 4 ACD
    3 4
    1 2 AAA
    2 1 AAAA
    1 3 AAAAA
    3 1 A

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